Colorful Balloons

The playtime is made really bouncy in Johny's home as their parents bring them sparkly smooth balloons! Funky balloons with amazing shapes and colors are mentioned throughout this euphonious sing along song. 

The common colors like red, yellow, blue, purple etc. are introduced to the tiny ones in the most engaging 3D animation medium here. The flower-heart-star and spiral shaped balloons will bring pure glee on your munchkin’s face!

Nurture your kid’s imaginations and creativity with this captivating balloon song for kids! Make their screen time count with more of these educational 3D animation videos we have carefully crafted for little ones! 

Subscribe to / Visit our channel / website for more of such educational 3D animation videos to make your life as a parent easy! We strive to instill good habits, creativity and moral foundations through the most entertaining 3D animation medium. Check out this space for more surprises!


Balloon! Balloon!
Mommy is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Dolly: I want a big Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Blue color, Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Fly, Up through the air
Balloon! Balloon!
Daddy is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Johny: I want a Heart-shaped, Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Red color, Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Flying, in the wind
Balloon! Balloon!
Johny is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Dolly: I want a Spiral-shaped Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Pink, color Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Drifting, through the air
Balloon! Balloon!
Chiya is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Johny: I want a star-shaped Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Yellow, color Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Floating, in the air

Lyrics copyright: Billion Surprise Toys (Artist)

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