Dental Care Song

The video promotes good healthy habits related to teeth featuring a dental clinic.

Little Johny is having toothache while eating with family. Daddy James took him to the dental clinic. Surprise!!! Mommy Emily is there pretending as a Dentist. She is advising Johny to brush his teeth twice a day and after meals. Also, instructs to avoid candies and cool drinks. Johny agrees to obey his loving mother.

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Hey what happened baby
My tooth is paining daddy
Ohh let me look baby
Yes you can look daddy
Hello good morning doctor
How are you baby?
Not well
He is having tooth pain
Well we will take a look
Lean back and open wide
Let me have a look
Ok sure I will do like that
Good baby… baby
Ohhh you are having some
Bad decay over here
Ohh dear doctor
What should I do now?
Always brush your teeth
Twice a day its for must
Always wash your teeth after you eat anything
Limit sugary foods
It make you gum problems
Don’t drink soft drinks
It make your gum bad
Ok I will brush my teeth
I will protect my teeth as you said
Okk now you can leave 
Thank you doctor

Lyrics copyright: Billion Surprise Toys (Artist)

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