Hide and Seek

Johny and family are all set to play the classic "Hide and Seek" - a game that never gets old! This is the right choice of animation game video to play if your little fellow is tired of boredom!

This fun-packed 3D animation video has many humorous turns that will leave your little one giggling! The expressions of little Johny and Dolly when they get caught by the seeker is too adorable to watch!

Watch the entire song with your little one and encourage it when he sings along. Let him watch the video as many times as he wants so as to learn the simple rules of the game. 

This playful video can give innumerable ideas for the kids to hide indoors! Subscribe to this channel for more of these enthralling games and beautifully crafted 3D animation videos for kids.

Subscribe to / Visit our channel / website for more of such educational 3D animation videos to make your life as a parent easy! We strive to instill good habits, creativity, and moral foundations through the most entertaining 3D animation medium. Check out this space for more surprises!


Let’s play a game and watch
I let players to hide
Then I will find you out
Who all there at place
We all are there
Start the game now
Ready or not
Here I come
I see you I see you
I see there
Oolee oolee all’s free
Oolee oolee all’s free
Now its your turn
No one
Let’s start the game now
One two three four
Ready or not
Here I come
I see you I see you
I see you there
Ooolee ooolee all’s free
Ooolee ooolee all’s free
Now its your turn
Let’s start the game now
One two three four
Ready or not
Here I come
I see you I see you
I see you there
Ooolee ooolee all’s free
Ooolee ooolee all’s free
Now its your turn
Let’s start the game now
One two three four
Ready or not
Here I come
I see you I see you
I see you there
Ooolee ooolee all’s free
Ooolee ooolee all’s free
Now let’s play another game

Lyrics copyright: Billion Surprise Toys (Artist)

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