Kids exploring the beach!

The family vacationed on the beach to explore fun games and activities. Baby Zay excitedly called Mommy to teach him surfing. He learned to surf quickly and loved what he was doing. Then he joined Dolly and Johny to collect the seashells to make a wonderful sandcastle. While playing, they met a tiny turtle who was lost. The babies make a way for him to reach his family. They had a blast playing and learning, enjoying their time at the beach! 

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Title: Kids learn and play on a beach day 

Baby: Wow! A Dolphin

: He jumps so high 

Baby: Dolly.look at that dolphin.I want to swim like him

: Can you teach me how to swim? 

Dolly: Uh..not's my sun bath time 

Baby Baby: Huh! Okay

: I will ask Mommy 

Baby: Mommy...Mommy..wake up wake up 

: I wanna swim like a Dolphin 

: Could you please help me out? 

Mommy: Oh want to? 

Baby: Yes yes 

: Look at him, He is so cool at swimming 

Mommy: Okay then, let's do it 

Mommy: Don't worry 

: Once you touch the water, All your fear will go away 

Baby: Wow!! she is doing well 

Mommy: Before we get into the water 

: Let's practice it here 

Baby: Wohooo..I did it 

: Thank you Mommy 

Johny: Hey Baby...we are ready 

: let's play now 

Baby: Huh? What's that? 

: Aw..A baby turtle? 

Johny: Hey baby... 

Dolly: You got the seashells?

Baby: Shhh...look..a baby turtle is here 

Johny: tiny..come to me, come to me 

Dolly: Johny No....he is scared..may be he lost his family 

: We should get him back to his home 

Baby&Johny: Home?

Dolly: Here it is..with the help of this 


Baby wants to swim and play 
swim and play, swim and play 
Baby wants to swim and play 
Baby's happy now 

Baby is excited now 
excited now excited now 
Baby is excited now 
But the fear is stopping him 

He touches the water now 
the water now, the water now 
He touches the water now 
His fear has gone away 

Baby swims so cool this time 
cool this time, cool this time 
Baby swims so cool this time 
He loves to swim and play 

Baby wants to surf like her 
surf like her, surf like her 
Baby wants to surf like her 
she said yes to him 

Baby comes for a try 
for a try for a try 
Baby comes for a try 
He tried to run so fast 

Mommy shows him how to surf 
how to surf how to surf 
Baby does the same like that 
and waved his hands and legs 

Song 2 

He sees a turtle fam 
going back to their home 
Crawling so slow and steady now 
They go 

Baby looks happy when 
he saw them moving down 
Baby now wants to find the shells 
He runs 

Kids make a way for him 
help him to find his home 
They make a little way for him 
That's cool 

Kids take the water and 
filled to the little path 
Now he can go back to his home 
So fast 

He went under the sea 
searches them everywhere 
He couldn't find his family 
Oh no 

He moves again so fast 
to find his lovely ones 
They came and met him on the way 
Oh wow!

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