The mischievous Monkey finds himself in a hilarious predicament with a group of tribals in a jungle. His accidental arrival on the Island leads to a series of comical mishaps. The enormous Dippy Dino, annoyed by Monkey's antics, tosses him away. To Monkey's surprise, he ends up at a tribal group's dinner table, where they mistake him for the main course in their funny soup dinner!
Billion Surprise Toys creates exciting stories.
Monkey: Huh! An island!
: Let me swim fast
: Hey you
: Go away, you naughty crab
Monkey : Momma...Momma
: Too much noise, go inside
: It's done
: Oh..oh no
Monkey: Um...nice smell
: Yummy food
: my hand
: Are they tribals?
Baby: Catch him now
Monkey: Oh
Baby: It's so good