Baby saw a moving bin
open and shut, open and shut
Mommy saw a bunny kid
He was so scared and lost
Then, Mommy get him out of a bin
out of a bin, out of a bin
When he was going back again
he saw a little friend
Baby tried to be his friend
be his friend, be his friend
He got a yummy carrot now
and ate it till he was full
When he saw a Mommy's love
Mommy's love, Mommy's love
He missed his family and his friends
then, the baby cared for him
Mommy came to ask him, how
he lost so far away from home
The bunny told the story, how
he reached this place today
One day I went out for a walk
I saw a truck, a carrot truck
While I was eating carrots,
the truck took me away
I came so far away from home
away from home, away from home
I couldn't find my way to home
I am so sad and scared
He really wants to see his mom
see his mom, see his mom
They decided to reach him home
and took the bunny kid
Bunny's going to his home
to his home, to his home
They reached a jungle,
the bunny lives all-day
Now baby bunny reached his home
reached his home reached his home
They hug him tight with so much love
The bunny is happy now