Lay the groundwork of good table etiquettes by playing this fun-filled educational 3D animation video to your wee one! Let them take their tiny steps towards being courteous at the tables and being compassionate to everyone.
Johny’s parents are training the little kids with basic table etiquettes in a very fun way! So many gleeful moments are waiting to delight your little one in this adorable video!
The top table manners like washing the hands before and after food, spreading a napkin in lap, keeping elbows off the table, sitting up straight, chewing with closed mouth, keeping silence when mouth is occupied with food, helping mom with the cleaning etc. are portrayed in an amazing way in this table manners song!
Subscribe to/Visit our channel/website for more of such educational 3D animation videos to make your life as a parent easy! We strive to instill good habits, creativity and moral foundations through the most entertaining 3D animation medium. Check out this space for more surprises!
Table manners table manners
We want to learn some table manners
Oh yes children oh yes children
Let's learn about some table manners
Wash your hands wash your hand
Before you eat any food
Ok mommy ok daddy
Washing makes healthy hands
Napkin in lap napkin in lap
Before you start eating food
Oh yes mommy oh yes mommy
We are placing it on lap
Elbows off the table elbows off the table
Sit up straight its for must
Ok mommy sorry mommy
We will do like that
Always say thank you always say thank you
When you get some food
Ok daddy ok daddy
Its really look, good mommy
Chew with your mouth closed
Chew with your mouth closed
Its a good habit baby
Don't talk with your mouth full
Don't talk with your mouth full
Ok we will do like that
Take up your dishes
When you finished eating
Oh yes daddy oh yes daddy
We will surely do like that
Help your mommy Help your mommy
It is a good habit for children
Oh yes daddy oh yes daddy
we will surely help our mom