Here are some sparkly balloons to help your kid learn the colors! Play this balloon song to your tots and gift him a zestful playtime!!
Little Johny and Dolly are merrily playing with balloons in different eye-catching shapes and colors!!
Emily mom is trying to teach them colors along with entertaining them!!
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Balloon! Balloon!
Mommy is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Dolly: I want a big Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Blue color, Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Fly, Up through the air
Balloon! Balloon!
Daddy is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Johny: I want a Heart-shaped, Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Red color, Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Flying, in the wind
Balloon! Balloon!
Johny is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Dolly: I want a Spiral-shaped Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Pink, color Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Drifting, through the air
Balloon! Balloon!
Chiya is going to blow a balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Johny: I want a star-shaped Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Yellow, color Balloon
Balloon! Balloon!
Floating, in the air
Lyrics copyright: Billion Surprise Toys (Artist)