

Tantrums and children

Tantrums are an outburst of sudden emotions. It can be frustrating when you're continuing to chat with your friend even when your kid mentioned they're getting bored or when you refuse to buy that fantastic toy from the supermarket. Children and tantrums are like orange and orange peel. Let's peel off the tantrum from your kids. Tantrums are part of a kid's nature. But it can be removed at times.

Types of tantrums

Demand for attention: Tantrums are very typical in children. Sometimes, children throw tantrums when they need attention. You have to recognize if it is serious or not. Your child doesn't know how much you are handling or how much of a workload you're in. If you ignore your kid when they need attention, they think you don't love them enough. So, make sure you let them know that you're there for them. 

Tired for the day: No one likes to wait. Not even the adults. Children are not in the stage where they cop up with their emotions or understand how it works. It can be because they're tired or irritated with the circumstances. When they're tired, all they need is a calm place where they can fall into sleep. Better pack up from the nuisance and let them rest before it could create a storm.

Rejection of purpose: It can be a language of refusal to do something. If you fall for that, it'll become a habit that annoys you. It may be considered cute one or two times but not after that. Give them choices that they can't refuse. Like, "if you pack your toys, you can have ice cream." or "you can watch tv after finishing your homework." 

Instructions for wanting: It can be a firm command for something they want. Check if it's necessary. If It's not, don't buy. They are promoted with the idea that they get what they want when they stick to tantrums. All you have you do is ignore it if it's unnecessary.

What to do when your child is having a tantrum?

· Suppose it's for your attention. Show them you're there for them. A hug can be a good language for that. When you are expressing through actions, it works. Let the kids know you're working for their happiness too. Get them a vacation treat whenever possible.

· Spent quality time with them. All you wish to do is fall in bed after a tiring day. Spent time with them, before they grow old. schedule a meal together daily, which is a great time to spend with the family where you can know more about your toddler's day and their likes and dislikes.

· Whenever they do good, cover them with praises and rewards. Tell them you're happy with their act. This will encourage them to do more without mentioning the task, and they will be glad to help.

· Ignore the negative behavior if you give them attention whenever they do bad. They are going to do it often to get your attention. So just ignore that your toddler is testing your patience. 

· Don't ever raise your voice on your kid. That will affect their future, and they will rise back at you when the time comes. Count 1 to 10 whenever you're out of patience but don't make them terrified because of you. They'll be scared to confront their mistake in front of you, which will destroy the beautiful relationship between you and your kids.

· You are at a shopping mall, and your kid's eyes are stuck on some toy that you refused to buy. They are making a nuisance and are insisting on buying that. Now, you're stuck in an uncomfortable situation where you wish to escape without people's eyes. Yeah, I know what you will do. Don't buy that toy which is unnecessary. They will know you will buy them if there are people near you.

· Use diversions or ignore. Their emotions won't last long. So be ready to give them their favorite toy or snacks wherever there is a chance of outburst. Get them to another room or place where they can be calmed. 

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